Thank you to all who have contributed $50. per flag so that Vassalboro’s Main Streets will beckon proudly from Memorial Day through Labor Day!
- Maine Savings Federal Credit Union—3 flags
- Scot and Mary Sabins
- Antique & Classic Fords (Peter & Jackie Reny)
- The Everett Fowle Family
- The John Bard Family
- North Country Outfitters Inc. (Jim Murton)
- Fieldstone Gardens Inc. (Steve Jones)
- Klarity Multimedia Inc. (Tera & Gary Coull)
- Laurah Brown
- AgMatters LLC (Titus Family)
- Bragdon Farms (Peter Bragdon)—2 flags
Donations may be made out to the V.B.A. and sent to PO Box 31, North Vassalboro, ME 04969 as soon as possible.
The Vassalboro Business Association needs you to assist us
in our mission to promote and
enhance our community and make our citizens aware of and
utilize local business.
We believe that by working together to make our town a
better place, we can help create community pride
and an awareness of what local business has to offer.
We invite you, whether you are a business owner or not, to
join us!
Meetings are held the first Wednesday of each month at 6:30pm at the Town Office.